“A Sound bath synchronizes your brain waves to achieve a quicker state of deep relaxation. If meditation was like taking an escalator sound bath is like taking a lift it gets you to a peaceful relaxed state In quick, smooth transition.”

Sound Bath

Welcome to the sound room

Here healing vibrations are used to move energy through your body with sounds and vibrations of unconditional love.

This session is for you if:

You are you in search of peaceful moments and a break from the chaos? If you're yearning to chill out and find your inner balance amidst life's demands, or if you desire deep healing, this sanctuary is your answer. Get ready to surrender to the incredible power of love and sound as they serenade your mind, body, and soul, harmoniously intertwining to restore your natural state of well-being.


What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is basically bathing in sound like a form of meditation that cleanses your energy field and helps you to feel Balanced.

Our bodies are made up of 75% water, water is a great conductor for sound.

You know when you’re listening to a song that resonates with you and you play that song on repeat , That feeling that the writer just knows exactly what you are going through? Knows the feelings of love, happiness or pain you are experiencing and You actually feel like wow they just know me. Well of course the words have a meaning you connect to but the sound of the music is also helping to heal you.

Therefore , Sound vibration works on an even deeper level of healing. The Sound has a way to instantly connects to our feelings, emotions, memories and thoughts. These are all connected to our energy. This is why a sound session can lift your vibe profoundly.

“Sound bath synchronizes your brain waves to achieve a quicker state of deep relaxation. If meditation was like taking an
exelator sound bath is like taking a lift it gets you to a peaceful relaxed state In quick, smooth transition.”

How will it work:

A sound bath session with Aisha will allow the energies of love to clear, heal and restore harmony and balance to your body and mind. It will help you to feel much lighter, more aligned, peaceful and able to connect back to your true self.
Sound has the power to shift your frequency and raise your energy from low moods, anger, guilt, sadness, anxiety, fear, low self esteem to the higher vibes of love, acceptance, positivity, forgiveness, clarity, confidence, peace and light.

Aisha uses the stunning Powerful beauty of the Crystal singing bowls sound to reach deep into your subconscious. To help you to chill, relax and help support your body’s natural healing. She uses the sound to send love to your body as she plays each sound to tend to your chakras. Sending you peace, love and light.

Just get comfortable sit back and relax.

“I had an out of body experience”.

Honestly, it was the most amazing sound bath I’ve ever been too. I literally drifted to another dimension. Thank you so much for facilitating that

After session feelings :

After a sound bath, it's important to be kind, loving, and patient with yourself. Healing begins the moment you decide to seek it. Each person may experience different emotions, but some common ones include relaxation, calmness, and tranquility. The vibrations and sounds during a sound bath can release tension and stress, leading to a profound sense of peace and contentment. It can also enhance awareness, clarity, and mental focus. Emotional release is possible as well, allowing for a transformative experience. However, resistance to change or unexplained crying may also occur. Headaches, tiredness, or a mix of emotions are also possible. Healing is unique each time, so patience is key. Ultimately, the feelings experienced after a sound bath are personal and typically involve tranquility, clarity, and emotional release. It's important to remember that each session can be different, and everyone responds uniquely to the healing sounds.

Tips for post-sound bath care:

1. Hydrate yourself by drinking water to rejuvenate and flush out any toxins.

2. Take time to unwind and find solace in a serene environment, allowing the benefits to sink in and emotions to be processed.

3. Capture your thoughts and reflections in a journal, unlocking valuable insights from the experience.

4. Embrace self-care rituals such as indulging in a soothing bath, going for a leisurely walk, or practicing yoga to ground yourself and merge with the healing energies.

5. Treat yourself with kindness, acknowledging and respecting any emotions or sensations that may surface.

6. Refrain from consuming alcohol, as it may hinder the integration process.

Remember, everyone's aftercare needs differ, so trust your instincts and cater to your personal requirements for a complete integration.